One of the highlights of my visit to Italy in 2016 was the visit to Venice. Unfortunately, it was raining off and on. Nevertheless I spent many hours walking around Venice, exploring the whole city. Here are some of the pictures of Venice.

Venice and its Lagoon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Streets and Canals

Typical Narrow Alley
Typical narrow alley. (901k)
Street Venice Houses Flower
Street in Venice. Many houses have flower pots on their balconies. (1007k)
Courtyard. (1161k)
House External Stairs
House with external stairs. (933k)
See Clothes Lines Everywhere
You can see these clothes lines everywhere. (898k)
Marble Well Head
Marble well head. (961k)
Drinking Water Fountain
Drinking water fountain. (853k)
View Small Courtyard Gate
View of a small courtyard through the gate. (1018k)
House. (910k)
Palazzo Labia
Palazzo Labia. (881k)
Canal Next Palazzo Ducale
Canal next to the Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace). (942k)
Canal. (850k)
Canal Gondola
Canal with gondola. (993k)
Canal. (956k)
Canal Bridge Bridge Serves
Canal with bridge. The bridge just serves the entrance door of the house. (907k)
Canal Gondolas
Canal with gondolas. (981k)
Canal Clothes Lines
Canal with clothes lines. (915k)
Canal Bridge
Canal with bridge. (868k)
Bridges Busy Tourists
Some of the bridges were busy with tourists. (986k)
Houses Along Canals Need
Many houses along the canals need plaster work. (1071k)
Fishing Few Hundred Meters
Fishing just a few hundred meters from the Piazza San Marco. (909k)
Gondola Maker Repair Shop
Gondola maker and repair shop. (923k)
Hauling Goods Hard Work
Hauling goods is hard work with all the bridges to cross. (1039k)
Few Places Mostly Main
In a few places, mostly the main tourist spots, they installed ramps. (785k)
Huge Cruise Ships Harbor
Huge cruise ships in the harbor of Venice. (823k)


Church San Giorgio Maggiore
Church of San Giorgio Maggiore (from 16th century). (676k)
Church Santa Maria Del
Church of Santa Maria del Carmelo (from 14th century). (907k)
Basilica Di Santi Giovanni
Basilica di Santi Giovanni e Paolo (from 15th century), one of the largest churches in Venice. All the funeral services of the Doges were held in this church. (675k)
Basilica Di Santa Maria
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute (from 17th century). (797k)
Greek Orthodox Cathedral San
The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of San Giorgio dei Greci (from 16th century). The campanile (bell tower) is really leaning, but has been so since construction. (933k)
Church San Simeone Piccolo
Church of San Simeone Piccolo (from 18th century). (820k)
Chiesa Dei Santi Apostoli
Chiesa dei Santi Apostoli di Cristo (Church of the Holy Apostles of Christ, from 7th century), one of the oldest churches in Venice. (919k)
Church San Giacomo Di
Church of San Giacomo di Rialto. According to tradition, San Giacomo is the oldest church in the city, supposedly consecrated in the year 421. (580k)
Large 15th-century Clock Above
The large 15th-century clock above the entrance of San Giacomo, a useful item in the Venetian business district, but regarded as a standing joke for its inaccuracy. (837k)
Small Shrine
A small shrine. (961k)
Church San Francesco Della
Church of San Francesco della Vigna (from 13th century). (846k)
Church San Francesco Della
Church of San Francesco della Vigna. (849k)
Inside Church San Francesco
Inside the Church of San Francesco della Vigna. (888k)
Church Santa Maria Dei
Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli (from 15th century). (852k)
Inside Church Santa Maria
Inside the Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli. (979k)
Church San Geremia 11th
Church of San Geremia (from 11th century). (880k)
Inside Church San Geremia
Inside the Church of San Geremia. (837k)
Church Madonna Dell'orto 14th
Church of the Madonna dell'Orto (from 14th century). (960k)
Inside Church Madonna Dell'orto
Inside the Church of the Madonna dell'Orto. (931k)
Inside Church Madonna Dell'orto
Inside the Church of the Madonna dell'Orto. (757k)

Canale Grande (Grand Canal)

Grand Canal Railroad Station
Grand Canal near the railroad station. (840k)
Grand Canal
Grand Canal. (1103k)
Grand Canal Church San
Grand Canal with the Church of San Geremia. (752k)
Grand Canal
Grand Canal. (741k)
Buildings Along Grand Canal
Buildings along the Grand Canal. (973k)
End Grand Canal Basilica
End of the Grand Canal with the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute at the end. (863k)
End Grand Canal Basilica
End of the Grand Canal with the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute. (749k)
Punta Della Dogana End
Punta della Dogana (at the end of the Grand Canal). (607k)
Traffic Grand Canal
Traffic on the Grand Canal. (871k)
Ponte Dell'accademia Four Bridges
Ponte dell'Accademia (one of the four bridges that span the Grand Canal). (724k)
Ponte Degli Scalzi Four
Ponte degli Scalzi (one of the four bridges that span the Grand Canal). (946k)
Rialto Oldest Impressive Bridge
Rialto, the oldest, most impressive bridge to span the Grand Canal (from 16th century). (841k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (952k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (909k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (957k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (822k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (959k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (776k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (881k)
Palace Grand Canal
Palace on the Grand Canal. (829k)

Piazza San Marco

Southern End Grand Canal
Southern end of the Grand Canal with the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute on the left and the Piazza San Marco on the right. (769k)
Piazza San Marco Biblioteca
Piazza San Marco with the Biblioteca Marciana on the left, the Campanile (bell tower) of the Basilica di San Marco in the center and the Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace) on the right. (718k)
Piazza San Marco Palazzo
Piazza San Marco with the Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace). (708k)
Piazza San Marco Palazzo
Piazza San Marco with the Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace). (922k)
Piazza San Marco Campanile
Piazza San Marco with the Campanile (bell tower) of the Basilica di San Marco on the right and the Basilica di San Marco in the background. (587k)
Piazza San Marco Biblioteca
Piazza San Marco with the Biblioteca Marciana on the left. (852k)
View Piazza San Marco
View of the Piazza San Marco with the Campanile in the center, the Palazzo Ducale on the right and the Biblioteca Marciana on the left. (674k)
Piazza San Marco
Piazza San Marco. (832k)
Piazza San Marco
Piazza San Marco. (845k)
Torre Dell'orologio Clock Tower
Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower) on the Piazza San Marco. (909k)
Clock Face Torre Dell'orologio
Clock face on the Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower). (945k)
Clock Torre Dell'orologio Clock
Clock on the Torre dell'Orologio (Clock Tower), showing the time, the hour on the left in Roman numerals and the minutes (at 5 minute intervals) on the right in Arabic numerals. (1075k)
Two Great Bronze Figures
Two great bronze figures, hinged at the waist, which strike the hours on a bell on the Torre dell'Orologio. (598k)

Basilica di San Marco

Basilica Di San Marco
Basilica di San Marco. (716k)
Entrance Basilica Di San
Entrance to the Basilica di San Marco. (1219k)
Painting Basilica Di San
Painting on the Basilica di San Marco. (1310k)
Painting Basilica Di San
Painting on the Basilica di San Marco. (1069k)
Painting Basilica Di San
Painting on the Basilica di San Marco. (888k)

Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace)

Palazzo Ducale Doge's Palace
Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace). (828k)
Front Palazzo Ducale Doge's
Front of the Palazzo Ducale (Doge's Palace). (933k)
Inner Courtyard Palazzo Ducale
Inner courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale. (960k)
Staircase Palazzo Ducale
Staircase in the Palazzo Ducale. (1105k)
Courtyard Palazzo Ducale
In the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale. (950k)
Marble Statue Courtyard Palazzo
Marble statue in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale. (923k)
Marble Statue Courtyard Palazzo
Marble statue in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale. (945k)
Statue Courtyard Palazzo Ducale
Statue in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale. (857k)
Marble Statue Palazzo Ducale
Marble statue in the Palazzo Ducale. (769k)
Lavishly Decorated Room Palazzo
Lavishly decorated room in the Palazzo Ducale. (920k)
Lavishly Decorated Room Palazzo
Lavishly decorated room in the Palazzo Ducale. (991k)
Lavishly Decorated Room Palazzo
Lavishly decorated room in the Palazzo Ducale. (1029k)
Wall Painting Palazzo Ducale
Wall painting in the Palazzo Ducale. (895k)
Wall Painting Palazzo Ducale
Wall painting in the Palazzo Ducale. (970k)
Ceiling Painting Palazzo Ducale
Ceiling painting in the Palazzo Ducale. (1309k)

This page contains 98 pictures

Main page for Italia (Italy)

Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

Venice on

© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
Email Guenther Eichhorn

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