These are pictures from the streets, from daily life, business and transportation.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Vendors, stores and markets

Markets are everywhere. The larger towns have daily markets. In smaller villages the market is only once or twice a week. Most of the business is done on the streets.

The street vendors can be very insistent, especially in tourist areas. There is constantly somebody trying to sell you something.

Street Market Koro
Street market in Koro. (970k)
Market Douentza
Market in Douentza. (660k)
Market Tombouctou
Market in Tombouctou. (955k)
Market Mopti
Market in Mopti. (936k)
Market Mopti
Market in Mopti. (951k)
Market Scene Mopti
Market scene in Mopti. (849k)
Metal Works Market Mopti
Metal works in the market in Mopti. (892k)
Market Stalls Ségou
Market stalls in Ségou. (755k)
Market Kayes
Market in Kayes. (795k)
Street Market
Street market. (1174k)
Street Market
Street market. (1079k)
Selling Mussels
Selling mussels. (994k)
Peanut Vendor
Peanut vendor. (731k)
Calabashes Sale Street Side
Calabashes for sale in a street side store. (759k)
Argument Market
Argument in the market. (777k)
Trinkets Sale
Trinkets for sale. (909k)
Store Ségou
Store in Ségou. (797k)
Street Vendor Ségou
Street vendor in Ségou. (830k)
Street Vendor Ségou
Street vendor in Ségou. (904k)
Roadside Street Vendors
Roadside street vendors. (959k)
Roadside Fruit Vendor
Roadside fruit vendor. (594k)
Dealing Market
Dealing in the market. (874k)
Vendors Bus Stop
Vendors at a bus stop. (626k)
Street Kitchen Koro
Street kitchen in Koro. (1007k)
Street Vendor Being Raided
Street vendor being raided by sheep. (1029k)
Street Grill
Street grill. (752k)
Silver Smith Heating Metal
Silver smith heating metal in the market in Bamako. (1127k)
Wood Carver Market Bamako
Wood carver in the market in Bamako. (915k)
Brooms Sale Types Brooms
Brooms for sale. These types of brooms are used to sweep the street and sidewalk around shops. (806k)
Clothes Sale Picture Obama
Clothes for sale with a picture of Obama. Obama was hugely popular in Africa at that time. (809k)
Way Or Market
On the way to or from the market. (844k)


The roads were often dirt roads. Only the major roads are paved. Many of the dirt roads are impassable during the rainy season, they become mud holes.

A lot of transportation is by human and animal power. Only long range transportation is by trucks and buses. Local transportation is mostly by donkey carts and on the heads of people. Along the Niger River, most of the transportation is by boat.

Dirt Road
Dirt road. (720k)
Young Boy Donkey
Young boy on a donkey. (895k)
Camel Rider
Camel rider. (512k)
Donkey Cart
Donkey cart. (1009k)
Horse Drawn Cart
Horse drawn cart. (866k)
Motor Scooter Obama Image
Motor scooter with Obama image. (537k)
Tricycle Transporter
Tricycle transporter. (889k)
Toyota Landcruiser
My Toyota Landcruiser. (828k)
Vehicle Supported Usaid
Vehicle supported by USAID. (635k)
Vehicle Supported European Union
Vehicle supported by the European Union. (680k)
Lots Mercedes Mali
There were lots of Mercedes in Mali. (863k)
Vehicle Local Healer Traditional
Vehicle of a local healer with traditional medicine. (985k)
Local Bus Buses Used
Local bus. These buses are used for local transportation everywhere. (869k)
Local Bus Bamako
Local bus in Bamako. (824k)
Passenger Speed Limits O
Passenger and speed limits o a bus. The passenger limit is not really observed. The buses load as many people as they can possibly squeeze in. (567k)
Small Buses Waiting Ferry
Small buses waiting for a ferry. (692k)
Overland Bus Che Guevara
Overland bus. Che Guevara images were everywhere in Mali. (585k)
Bus Traffic Bamako
Bus traffic in Bamako. (952k)
Huge 22-wheeled Trucks Ubiquitous
Huge 22-wheeled trucks were ubiquitous. (485k)
Long Row Trucks Waiting
Long row of trucks waiting on the border to Sénégal. (577k)
Broken Trucks Mark Truck
Broken trucks mark their truck with broken-off tree limbs. (553k)
Row Boat Fisherman
Row boat with fisherman. (540k)
Local Boats Niger River
Local boats on the Niger River. (390k)
Sail Boat Niger River
Sail boat on the Niger River. (539k)
Sail Boat Lac Débo
Sail boat on Lac Débo. (440k)
Motor Boat Niger River
Motor boat on the Niger River. (694k)
Transport Boat Niger River
Transport boat on the Niger River. (474k)
People Transporter Niger River
People transporter on the Niger River. (510k)
Combined Motorsail-boat
Combined motor/sail-boat. (524k)
Freight Boats Harbor Mopti
Freight boats in the harbor in Mopti. (818k)
Unloading Freight Mopti Harbor
Unloading freight in the Mopti harbor. (817k)
Unloading Freight Mopti Harbor
Unloading freight in the Mopti harbor. (818k)
Ferry Tombouctou
Ferry to Tombouctou. (511k)
Load Tombouctou Ferry
Load on the Tombouctou ferry. (746k)
Ferry Djenné
Ferry near Djenné. (589k)

Farming and Animals

Farming is mostly for millet and sorghum. In the Dogon area there were a lot of onions.

Cows, goats, and sheep are raised for milk and meat. Chicken are raised everywhere. Donkeys and horses are used for transportation. In a few places I saw camels (dromedaries). They are used for transportation and for milk. Dogs are around everywhere. On the other hand, I saw only a couple of cats throughout the whole trip.

Onion Fields Women Tending
Onion fields with women tending the fields. (1017k)
Area Millet Straw Kept
In this area, the millet straw was kept in piles on the ground. (1207k)
Millet Straw Field Stored
Millet straw in a field, stored on a wooden platform to keep animals away. (1215k)
Millet Straw Stored Top
Here, the millet straw was stored on top of a building. (952k)
Palm Tree Village Niger
Palm tree in a village on the Niger River. (558k)
African Baobab (Adansonia digitata)
An African Baobab (Adansonia digitata, german: Afrikanischer Affenbrotbaum, french: Baobab africain) near a Dogon village. The strange shape at the bottom part of the trunk is caused by repeated harvesting of the bark for making ropes. The Baobab is one of only very few tree species that can survive having their bark removed all the way around the tree. (1205k)
African Baobab Bark Recently
An African Baobab where the bark was recently removed. (1180k)
Herding Sheep
Herding sheep. (745k)
Sheep Along Niger River
Sheep along the Niger River. (680k)
Giving Sheep Bath
Giving a sheep a bath. (735k)
Giving Sheep Bath
Giving a sheep a bath. (602k)
Donkey Resting Shade
Donkey resting in the shade. (779k)
Albino Donkey
Albino donkey. (905k)
African Baobab (Adansonia digitata)
Herd of cows under an African Baobab (Adansonia digitata, german: Afrikanischer Affenbrotbaum, french: Baobab africain). (908k)
Zebu Cattle
Zebu cattle. (1026k)
Zebu Cattle Shore Niger
Zebu cattle on the shore of the Niger River with egrets. The scars are owner's marks. (673k)
Fulani Had Camped Herd
The Fulani had camped here with a herd of cattle. The whole are was full of cow patties. (941k)
Horse Shore Niger River
Horse on the shore of the Niger River. (713k)
Dromedary (Camelus dromedarius)
Dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius, german: Dromedar, french: Dromadaire). (1100k)
Dromedary Baby
Dromedary with baby. (752k)

Daily Life

Most labor is done by hand, including grinding grains,threshing, and winnowing. Water is usually used from the village well. Mostly this is done by kids.

Kids Playing Old Tires
Kids playing with old tires. (951k)
Men's Laundry Bathing Niger
Men's laundry and bathing in the Niger River. (844k)
Women Doing Laundry
Women doing laundry. (855k)
Dish Washing Niger River
Dish washing in the Niger River. (639k)
Cooking Dinner Gourma Reserve
Cooking dinner for us near the Gourma reserve. (450k)
Washing Street Usual Woman
Washing on the street. As usual, the woman bends down from the waist (see comment on the main Mali page). (796k)
Grain Processing Implements
Grain processing implements. (931k)
Village Women Processing Grain
Village women processing grain. (1045k)
Woman Pounding Grain Everywhere
Woman pounding grain. Everywhere they used these long big wooden poles and a mortars cut from wood. (788k)
Winnowing Grains Wind
Winnowing grains in the wind. (520k)
Old Wooden Mortars Pounded
Old wooden mortars that have been pounded through over time. (809k)
Power Grain Mill
Power grain mill. (768k)
Village Well Very Often
Village well. Very often it was the kids that were getting the water from the wells. (835k)
Village Well Well Donkeys
Village well. At this well, donkeys pulled up the buckets with water. It was a deeper than normal well. (828k)
Getting Drinking Water Lake
Getting drinking water from the lake. (886k)
Carrying Water Back Home
Carrying water back home on her head. (584k)
Doing Homework Blackboard
Doing homework on a blackboard. (824k)
Foosball Machines Everywhere Decorated
These Foosball machines were everywhere. This one was decorated with Che Guevara. That likeness was also ubiquitous. (812k)
Goat Raiding Pot Had
A goat was raiding the pot that had been left unattended for a bit, pushing it around and scattering the other pots and pans. (672k)
Fishermen Niger River
Fishermen on the Niger River. (500k)
Fishermen Niger River
Fishermen on the Niger River. (462k)
Fisherman Harbor Mopti
Fisherman in the harbor in Mopti. (536k)
Community Fishing Niger River
Community fishing in the Niger River. (549k)
Fox Tables Smoothed Evening
Fox tables. They are smoothed in the evening. During the night, the fox is said to walk across the fox tables. A shaman interprets the fox tracks the next morning to forecast things. (677k)

This page contains 110 pictures with 2 species

Main page for Mali

Page last updated on Tue Sep 24 18:19:03 2019 (Mountain Standard Time)

Daily Life in Mali on

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